Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Time keeps on ticking....ticking.... ticking....

For years and years I have been blogging professionally for my photography business, don't get me wrong, I love it, but when you blog for some many years about others, its becomes routine.

I needed a way to talk about things I love, share about my family, share about work, and about the blunders of the day to day, the great moments and the not-so-great moments in another forum. I needed a decompression part of my day, when it is quiet, when I can think, and that is not all about work!

So here I am blogging, blog number 1. The idea for this blog came after I read a post on one of my favorite tog sites, Photographers Connection.( They asked, "What keeps you from blogging?" My response was time.
After I posted my response I sat and thought about it. That wasn't really the heart of my answer. I have time. Yes it is sparse, I am a full time photographer, running my own business, a wife, to the most amazing and big-hearted man, I WILL EVER MEET, (yes you should be jealous) mom to 4 amazing kids, Ethan 11, Kaylee 10, Allison 9 and Emily 5. The amount of girl power in this house, at times, is pretty much ridiculous. We also have two amazing dogs, Cocoa and Cupid, both Chihuahua's and well lets just say, we will have a lot to blog about with these two, and 3 amazing Beta Fish! 

Any normal person might see why I would write time. It seemed logical and safe, do you ever make answers like that? The ones that seem reasonable? Answers that only touch on the surface, perhaps hiding the real reason, because well it actually might make us think to much, or do more in a day or actually look into why or how we really feel this way? Well as I thought about it, I had the time, and I needed to make the time, because blogging when you love it, can be like therapy, only cheaper! My thoughts about my time, and how I needed to use it more effectively also came into play. The day after I responded to this post, I caught myself multitasking like crazy, and I knew I was selling myself short, by not making the time for a blog. A personal one. 

So three days later, after a few pieces of "borrowed Halloween candy," and a mind that can't stop thinking, here I am! My mind is racing with thoughts, possibilities and the opportunity that can come from this blog! My emphasis here, Make time, Make time for you, make time to be quiet, make time for yourself in this crazy day-to-day we call life.