Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Is it really worth Posting?

This post, you might not like it. You might not agree. You might be irritated by it. You might stop reading right now. I hope that you don't because I feel like it offers a lot of insight, and a hot topic for discussion.

I have to be honest with you, some of this stuff I read on Facebook, is just TMI! (Too Much Information)!  I can handle the updates, the kids photos, the what I ate for breakfast photos, the I am going to the Dr, or having a hard time etc, pray for me posts. I am actually pretty tolerable! So its not the basic updates that drive me nuts!

But I have to say I get personally, down right irritated with people who complain about EVERY detail of their lives! It is like they create drama, to have drama, so they can post about drama on their Facebook page!!!!!!!

Not only are people posting about personal drama, they are posting drama that their kids are facing, have you thought about how the internet is going to affect not only your future, but also your kids? Something to think about.  When your child's name is Googled are they  going to find the blog articles you wrote about the day they were potty trained? Are colleagues and friends going to read about their first day of kinder, their first boyfriend or girlfriend? In a day and age where we really haven't lived past this extent of technology, a lot of these questions go unanswered. We are like the trial drug, being sent out by the healthcare system that is just for tests? How will they change it in the future? What parts of technology will come back to haunt us? Or haunt your kids? Besides writings and posts, what about images?

What about your own personal business? How are you posts from your personal profile affecting your business, or your reputation? Sometimes we don't stop to think about what we are posting, because we think it is personal, or private.

I personally have taken a stand against posting negative posts. I think that as a community, a virtual one, we should take a stand against this and make the internet a more positive place for the world we are in today and the world  that we are creating for the future!

I am in no way saying that my life is perfect. IT is FAR from perfect. But every time I post, I think about what are others going to think when they read this? How is this going to affect my community, what is the purpose of this post?

When I went through my divorce, I was forced to filter EVERYTHING. For legal reasons, and for personal reasons. I realized how much damage I was doing with saying negative things. It had a downward spiral reaction, not only on myself, but on my children and my environment.

I knew something had to change.

I know that when I read certain posts, on the negativity, the one's that elude to,  "I want to quit, the I am done, the My life is over or the hate posts", I am absolutely turned off. We all have a personal circle of people that we trust, and love. Sometimes that is only one person, But we need to use them. Use them as a filter, a wall to bounce information off, so we can make the most sound choices in posting what is right and what is necessary.

I know that someday, my kids will outlive me. They will search back through my photography work, my Facebook comments, my magazine articles, and my blog posts. I want to make sure that I leave a legacy that they can be proud of, one that will fill them with good memories, and laughter and moments we shared. I also hope that it might leave a glimmer to a life that was lived, fully, happily and in a positive way to those who surrounded me!

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