My daughter loves to draw me pictures and often writes love notes too. I was begining to accumulate quite a bit of her words and doodles, and to be honest, I was ready to sneakily put them into the round file. As parents we all do this. We wait until we think it has been long enough that they "won't notice" you took it off the fridge! I am guilty, sure I save things, but come on kids come with a lot of stuff, and you can't save it all! But I had an idea, I thought what if I line the cabinets with her notes and doodles, so everytime I open the cabinet I will be reminded of her.. read her sweet words or see her sweet pictures.. Well that was about 4 years ago and you can imagine the cupboards are getting rather full! But that was the best decision I ever made. I find myself reading positive and uplifting things all throughout my day. When she is at school, its like she is here. Or when she is gone at her dad's, I can just look and read through them. This helped a lot when I missed her.
Even though I see them all the time, this week they really got me thinking about the act of writing. An act that is quickly becoming extint. Notes are replaced by text messages, and emails, Letters are replaced by phone calls or Facetime Chats. The act of writing a letter and mailing it to someone, just doesnt happen anymore.
As much as I love the the technology we have these days, I have to say there is something very endearing and special that comes from a handwritten note, letter or picture.
When I look back over the few notes that my Husband has written me, they bring such a warm feeling of love and happiness. I have placed his notes in special places where I see them and read them, just like Allison's as little reminders of his love for me.
I suggest to keep your relationships happy and healthy, take the time to write a note. Whether it is to your little one in their lunchbox, or to your husband in his day planner, or a little note on the dash of his car. Do this often for best results. Take the time to tell someone you love them, with more than just a text or a call or an email. It's the little things.

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