If you believe it can happen, work hard, never give up, hustle, never stop learning, be willing to do it for free, find a mentor, read and google every possible question you might have, YOUR DREAMS can come true.
I can only say the above because those are my keys to success. This week, I received another set of "keys" to my new office space for my photography business in Burbank, CA. A dream, that I could see, and always wanted, but did not really know HOW it would come true.
The day that I signed my lease I was reminded of the course of events that had taken place over the past 5 years, that absolutely got me to where I am today. I paused for a moment with the new office keys in my hand, in my car, and started to tear up, and said a prayer of thanks to God for the blessings in my life. For all the opportunities. I was compelled to share a little more of my story.
6 years ago, maybe more, because the exact date escapes me, but I do know that is was mother's day weekend; I was served with divorce papers from my children's father. I remember sitting on my front steps, in disbelief, calling my mom, my kids were with their dad at the time, and feeling a sense of, 'this is really over." The first thing that came to my mind was how am I going to support my kids, I am a stay at home mom." I didn't know how I was going to do it, but just like my office, I knew I would make it happen. Somehow, Someway, I would make this happen.
I started by working at my daugther's preschool more, and well that didn't cut it, kids were more expensive than I realized, and I knew I had to do more. With very little help from their dad, I was making ends meet, and started to clean houses. I had to put my kids schedule as a priority because I knew at this time, they needed their mom, so much, they needed that to stay the same, with little or no time with their dad. I was determined to make the money I needed and still be there 100% for them. I hustled cleaning jobs, I did it all, I did a little photography on the side too, I remember scrubbing floors, and just aching from the hard labor, but I didn't complain, it was worth every sore muscle, to keep my kids happy, and I wanted them to have a mom who was available. Close by and dependable.
A string of events took place not long after this, I was hit by a woman at the kids school, leaving my car to look like a dump heap, I had gotten a ticket or 2 for parking and speeding, then somewhere in their, my daughter broke her arm, surgery, it seemed like the bad luck was just too deep. I was discouraged, frustrated, and on top on this trying to deal with my kids being with their dad every other weekend. I was a nut case. They were sleeping on peoples couches, that I didn't know. I was lost. I was depressed. I was out of control. I felt like I was failing them as a mother.
The courts also agreed with my Ex saying I had to get a full time job. I cried and cried. But regardless I got a full time job. My mom and dad helped out so MUCH! She made that year wonderful for them. Taking them to special places. Doing homework with them. Teaching them. I would drop them at school, and pick them up when it was dark. I felt sad. Alone, and nothing like the mother I was when I stayed home with them. The bills were piling up, their father was taking the hard earned money from me for numerous court dates. I wasn't really sure how I would ever feel on top of things again, or how I would provide for my kids. I kept making the most of the moments we had. I never missed an award ceremony or a chance to see them perform, even if it was on my lunch break. As I was working as a preschool teacher, hating who I was working for, hating that someone else was raising my kids. I did something completely ludicrous, I put in my two week notice.
I made a split second decision, that would change mine and my kids lives forever. It was crazy and nuts I will admit it, and I could not have done it with the help from my mom and dad. But I threw every conventional thought and 9-5 job idea out the window and decided to pursue my photography, which had always been a passion and something on the side, as a full time gig. As I look back and recall this time, right now from where I am, it is like this perfect little time line that was laid out ahead of me, at the time unknowing, and taking the steps I knew I could and wanted to make with a photography business of my own.

So this brings me to where I am today. In a place of complete happiness. I have met the love of my life, remarried. We have 4 great kids, who have some of the biggest hearts I know. We have everything we need. We are very lucky. We both own and operate our own businesses, making the kids a priority, and being able to be available for them. As of last week, I have an office, I have a business that is blooming and really taking off, in ways I never felt possible.
I know that life is not perfect. I know we will experience set backs and loss. But I also know that how we react to a situation, how we respond is something we are completely in charge of. It can change our lives, and the lives of those around us. Being positive, making time for the important things in life, and in the lives of your kids, being consistent, and NEVER giving up will work wonders.

Congratulations!!! What a difficult story with a beautiful ending. The Lord is our great provider and works ALL things together for good, for those that love Him. So happy for you! I'm hoping one of these days I'll get a little studio space of my own. :)