Thursday, June 5, 2014

I double dog dare you to make a list of 100!

       I posted a recent picture of my kids working on a a poster which lists the 100 things to do before the end of summer, I had such a huge response I thought I would post a blog and share a little bit more about where it came from.

As I was sitting around the other day I was thinking about summer, which yes it is a wonderful time of relaxing, doing fun things and being home, but sometimes can also turn into too much TV, video games etc. I didn't want my kids summer to be boring, I wanted them to be excited about it! We are planning on doing swimming this summer, which will keep them busy, but I wanted this summer to be something different. Ethan is almost 12 and Allison is almost 10, I thought about how this summer might be one of the last that they might think it is cool to be hanging with mom and going on adventures. I teared up for a minute, thought about my options and decided to make this the best summer ever.

So two nights ago, I sat down on the couch with Ethan and Alli and said, "so if we were to plan 100 things to do this summer, what would they be?" Their eyes lit up, and they said, like what? Of course they first thought of expensive things to do, they are kids and I said, things that are more simple.. or new things.. They started going, they couldn't stop. One thought led to another, and another, their eyes lit up and I watched them get excited about the little things. The goal I was trying to accomplish, was coming together right before my eyes. I wanted my kids to be excited about doing new things, about making memories, and to make this the best summer ever.

After posting this picture on Facebook:

I had people commenting about it being inspirational, about what a great idea this is, and some were even sharing it. I have to admit it made me smile inside, but more because I have a feeling this summer is going to leave an imprint on my kids hearts. In doing these 100 things there will be conversations started, there will be great moments, there will be new moments, there will be firsts and there will be lasts, but most of all there will be times that we spend together doing this list, that will never be repeated.

When I became a mom, I was lucky, I was raised by a mom who always did stuff WITH us! She taught me how to make a lot out of a little, and about the true things that matter in life. She made every situation fun, with a game, a song, a story or a smile. So thank you mom. You taught me something that I am very lucky to know how to do! You enabled me to pass this gift on to my own kids.

If you follow on Facebook I will be posting our adventures with the summer 100, images of each one checked off the list... at the end of summer I decided that I would make a photo book for each of my kids, of the 100 pictures we took while accomplishing our goals.

So maybe this blog inspired you to make a list, does 100 sound like too much? Start with less. Does the thought of this is going to be expensive come to mind? It doesn't have to be. Ours isn't. Kids want your time, your listening ear, your conversation, those are things they will remember. This is one of the many things you can do in life to start leaving a legacy for your kids. One day your kids will grow up and have families of their own, what more could you ask for than your kids growing up wanting to plan and do things with their families and to see the importance in the little things?

I challenge you to make a list, make your kids excited about summer, enjoy those special moments together, I dare you to take the time to be unplugged, take a walk, eat ice cream for dinner and try a new food!

Make 2014 the best summer of yours and your kids lives!

Love and hugs, The Blended Family Mom Tog

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How do you expect to get full time results with half time efforts?

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go".
 – T. S. Eliot

The Day I left my Preschool job to pursue my photography career full time was indeed the best choice I could have ever made. No doubt a scary and uncertain choice, but as I look back, through that 20/20 hindsight, it was the ONLY thing I could have done to propel my business to the level it is currently pushing.

Today I was dropping my daughter off at school for her book report performance, as we drove she reviewed what she had prepared,  and I could tell from her shortness with me,  she was nervous. The moment had come where she had to deliver, in front of her peers, what she has learned and she wanted it to be perfect.  I could see the stress striking out of her eyes, like daggers as I gave her kind and gentle suggestions, I wasn't sure that her head wouldn't start spinning. It was clear my ideas, well, to be nice, were NOT what she wanted to hear. As I drove away, she calmed, smiled and gave me our traditional I love you sign. My heart melted, like it always does and I knew she was going to do her best because she had put so much time, effort and commitment into what she was doing. While thinking of her, I quickly drew a correlation to what I do in my career. What I had done, by going into this full time. 

I had this small moment, where I saw myself as Allison, and then I pictured her doing her book report and only giving it a part time effort and how different the results would have been. And of course this thought led me to what I used to do, as a preschool teacher, and how if I had done it only part time, what that would have looked like. Then of course my brain hit the stop sign, the brakes flew on and I imagined myself only doing my photography job "part-time" what I saw in that moment, was scary and it would never encompass the opportunities, bookings, successes, failures, experiences that I have and will be having with my business.

I started thinking about all the day to days that I do in my full time job as a photographer, that would be CUT by doing this only part time. The only word that comes to mind when I do think about pursuing my business part time is : FAILURE.

How could I give the clients the attention and time they need, part time?
How could edit and process images in a timely manner, Part time?
How could I expect to get paid what I am worth, Part time?
How could I establish myself as a true business owner, Part time?
How could I stay up to par with my social media site, Part time?
How could I market to my full extent, part time?
How could I keep on top of new methods in my competition, Part time?
How could I keep myself on the top of my business with new education or training, Part time?
How could I keep on top the latest products, Part time?
Plus Many more...

If you have read all of these, and you are saying that you are part time and doing them, stop you are lying to yourself. This business Takes a FULL time commitment with a FULL time work schedule to be successful in what you do! Stop kidding yourself, stop staying up to 2am editing your photos, stop missing out on your time, because your attempting to do 2 full time jobs! If you want to be successful, in a way that you cannot imagine or compare, start putting all of you efforts, all of your dreams, all of your passion into your career! Your passion will intensify, your product will improve, your ability will sky rocket! Stop spreading yourself and your talents to thin, that you are unable to do anyone of them without conviction! Stop kidding yourself, and start making your dream business your career, and your passion! 

Taking the chance and pursuing a career in something you love, takes full time commitment, if you want FULL time results! If you are on the fence, JUMP it! Please take the chance to see your business bloom and blossom in a way that is only possible if you hit your dream HEAD on! Taking risks comes with wins and loses, that is how we learn, but please, take the step. Live you dream, to the fullest potential possible! 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Never Give up.

If you believe it can happen, work hard, never give up, hustle, never stop learning, be willing to do it for free, find a mentor, read and google every possible question you might have, YOUR DREAMS can come true.

I can only say the above because those are my keys to success. This week, I received another set of "keys" to my new office space for my photography business in Burbank, CA. A dream, that I could see, and always wanted, but did not really know HOW it would come true.

The day that I signed my lease I was reminded of the course of events that had taken place over the past 5 years, that absolutely got me to where I am today. I paused for a moment with the new office keys in my hand, in my car, and started to tear up, and said a prayer of thanks to God for the blessings in my life. For all the opportunities. I was compelled to share a little more of my story.

6 years ago, maybe more, because the exact date escapes me, but I do know that is was mother's day weekend;  I was served with divorce papers from my children's father. I remember sitting on my front steps, in disbelief, calling my mom, my kids were with their dad at the time, and feeling a sense of, 'this is really over." The first thing that came to my mind was how am I going to support  my kids, I am a stay at home mom." I didn't know how I was going to do it, but just like my office, I knew I would make it happen. Somehow, Someway, I would make this happen.

I started by working at my daugther's preschool more, and well that didn't cut it, kids were more expensive than I realized, and I knew I had to do more. With very little help from their dad, I was making ends meet, and started to clean houses. I had to put my kids schedule as a priority because I knew at this time, they needed their mom, so much, they needed that to stay the same, with little or no time with their dad. I was determined to make the money I needed and still be there 100% for them. I hustled cleaning jobs, I did it all, I did a little photography on the side too, I remember scrubbing floors, and just aching from the hard labor, but I didn't complain, it was worth every sore muscle, to keep my kids happy, and I wanted them  to have a mom who was available. Close by and dependable. 

A string of events took place not long after this, I was hit by a woman at the kids school, leaving my car to look like a dump heap, I had gotten a ticket or 2 for parking and speeding, then somewhere in their, my daughter broke her arm, surgery, it seemed like the bad luck was just too deep. I was discouraged, frustrated, and on top on this trying to deal with my kids being with their dad every other weekend. I was a nut case. They were sleeping on peoples couches, that I didn't know. I was lost. I was depressed. I was out of control. I felt like I was failing them as a mother.

The courts also agreed with my Ex saying I had to get a full time job. I cried and cried. But regardless I got a full time job. My mom and dad helped out so MUCH! She made that year wonderful for them. Taking them to special places. Doing homework with them. Teaching them. I would drop them at school, and pick them up when it was dark. I felt sad. Alone, and nothing like the mother I was when I stayed home with them. The bills were piling up, their father was taking the hard earned money from me for numerous court dates. I wasn't really sure how I would ever feel on top of things again, or how I would provide for my kids. I kept making the most of the moments we had. I never missed an award ceremony or a chance to see them perform, even if it was on my lunch break. As I was working as a preschool teacher, hating who I was working for, hating that someone else was raising my kids. I did something completely ludicrous, I put in my two week notice.

I made a split second decision, that would change mine and my kids lives forever. It was crazy and nuts I will admit it, and I could not have done it with the help from my mom and dad. But I threw every conventional thought and 9-5 job idea out the window and decided to pursue my photography, which had always been a passion and something on the side, as a full time gig. As I look back and recall this time, right now from where I am, it is like this perfect little time line that was laid out ahead of me, at the time unknowing, and taking the steps I knew I could and wanted to make with a photography business of my own.

During this time, my kids father slipped away, his commitments became less, and more and I more I was faced with doing everything. I didn't give up. I kept going. I studied, I took every opportunity as a learning opportunity, I  engaged wtih people every chance I could. I learned from others. I took experiences and added them to my list of skills, and focused on the outcome rather than the money. There is not ONE moment I can look back on and not say that God didn't provide. I may not have been rolling in the big money, but He always provided. Whether it was work, or money, just enough, and for my kids. I have seen the joy of my kids growing up, and living with a mom who NEVER gives up. Even when its tough, or hard, we push through it and we keep smiling.

So this brings me to where I am today. In a place of complete happiness. I have met the love of my life, remarried. We have 4 great kids, who have some of the biggest hearts I know. We have everything we need. We are very lucky. We both own and operate our own businesses, making the kids a priority, and being able to be available for them. As of last week, I have an office, I have a business that is blooming and really taking off, in ways I never felt possible.

I know that life is not perfect. I know we will experience set backs and loss. But I also know that how we react to a situation, how we respond is something we are completely in charge of. It can change our lives, and the lives of those around us. Being positive, making time for the important things in life, and in the lives of your kids, being consistent, and NEVER giving up will work wonders.

I have always felt a stronger pull in my life, to leave a legacy for my children. I do not want to simply be remembered in years to come, but I wan to leave them something they can be proud of, and also be motivated by, to achieve more, do more, for others and for themselves, instilling a belief in them, THEY can DO ANYTHING! SKY IS THE LIMIT!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


My daughter loves to draw me pictures and often writes love notes too. I was begining to accumulate quite a bit of her words and doodles, and to be honest, I was ready to sneakily put them into the round file. As parents we all do this. We wait until we think it has been long enough that they "won't notice" you took it off the fridge! I am guilty, sure I save things, but come on kids come with a lot of stuff, and you can't save it all! But I had an idea, I thought what if I line the cabinets with her notes and doodles, so everytime I open the cabinet I will be reminded of her.. read her sweet words or see her sweet pictures.. Well that was about 4 years ago and you can imagine the cupboards are getting rather full! But that was the best decision I ever made. I find myself reading positive and uplifting things all throughout my day. When she is at school, its like she is here. Or when she is gone at her dad's, I can just look and read through them. This helped a lot when I missed her.

Even though I see them all the time, this week they really got me thinking about the act of writing. An act that is quickly becoming extint. Notes are replaced by text messages, and emails, Letters are replaced by phone calls or Facetime Chats. The act of writing a letter and mailing it to someone, just doesnt happen anymore.
As much as I love the the technology we have these days, I have to say there is something very endearing and special that comes from a handwritten note, letter or picture.

When I look back over the few notes that my Husband has written me, they bring such a warm feeling of love and happiness. I have placed his notes in special places where I see them and read them, just like Allison's as little reminders of his love for me.

I suggest to keep your relationships happy and healthy, take the time to write a note. Whether it is to your little one in their lunchbox, or to your husband in his day planner, or a little note on the dash of his car. Do this often for best results. Take the time to tell someone you love them, with more than just a text or a call or an email. It's the little things.

Blended Family Mom Tog...

Friday, March 14, 2014

LAS VEGAS.. A little less MOM and a lot more TOG!!!!

Last week was one of the most amazing weeks I have ever experienced in my Photography Career. It was epic and definitely a game changer for me.

For weeks.. wait for months.. which seem like years I have been working hard to collaborate with other photographers for a shootout in Las Vegas. We planned all the details, from the models, to the looks, locations, wardrobe..etc! It took a lot of time. A lot of help from others. A lot of generosity on the part of friends, amazing clothing stores, ridiculously talented Hair and Make-up artists, gorgeous models, and the list goes on and on.

It was three days of pure chaos. Pure Insanity. Pure Sleeplessness. Pure Exhaustion. Pure Exhilaration. Pure Perfection. I wouldn't change anything from last week. I would do it all over again in a heart beat. We visited amazing locations such as the Ghost Town of Nelson Nevada, and The Valley of Fire.

There is something magical that happens when artists come together. I can't really explain it. Or make you feel what I felt to be in the presence of all of these extremely amazing and talented people. Visions come together. People connected. It was like an infusion of excitement, creativity and passion.

I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who was involved. Everyone who contributed. None of this would have been possible without everyones willingness to work together and create amazing works of art together!

Here are some images, a little behind the scenes as well as some of my favorites! Please take a moment to check them out!!